Ayurveda sessions For women’s Vitality :

All in-person sessions are booked

I will open books again for new clients in June 2024

email me directly to Inquire / book a session


Ayurveda Healing Treatments

These luxurious Ayurvedic treatments known as bliss therapies from ancient India come out of the natural healing system of Ayurveda.

They are completely unique in the way that they use warm herbal medicated oils and utilize different sense therapies to guide the individual back into a state of homeostasis.

The goal of all of Ayurveda is to bring a being back to their own specific balance of the elements known in Ayurveda as one's particular dosha. These incredible therapies are world-renowned for their ability to soothe, calm, and bring one back into the harmony of spirit. There is no greater expression of self-love than lovingly anointing ourselves from head to toe with warm oil—this practice is called Abyanga. The Sanskrit word Sneha can be translated as both “oil” and “love.” It is believed that the effects of Abhyanga are similar to those received when one is saturated with love.

Benefits of Shirodhara
Shirodhara is an extensive therapy performed in a purpose-built setting using specialized techniques and ingredients to maximize the health benefits.

  • Activates Intuition:
    Shirodhara therapy is believed to open the 'third eye', resulting in a heightened sense of mindfulness. Buddhists define it as spiritual awakening or complete awareness that enables a person to observe their past trauma and painful experiences from a different perspective, which was not accessible previously. Tapping into a different vantage point gives them mental clarity and the willpower to move forward in life.

  • Improves Sleep
    When was the last time you slept like a baby? Can't recall? You might blame your mattress or the weather for your inability to fall asleep, but in most cases, it's the hyperactive mind or a neurological condition. Shirodhara is a sleep-inducing therapy. But that doesn't necessarily mean it will lull you to sleep right away. Rather, it works in a sustainable manner. It relaxes your nerves, calms your mind, and improves your night's sleep.

  • Reduces Stress
    It's a no-brainer that a head massage reduces stress and clears up your mind so you can think and perform better. However, Shirodhara works at a deeper level than that. When performed regularly, Shirodhara therapy can help reduce chronic stress and overcome past traumas.

  • Pacifies Vata Dosha

    The Vata dosha is a combination of the elements of air and space. When Vata accumulates in your constitution it can lead to physical restlessness, chaotic thoughts, scattered attention, and forgetfulness. In Ayurvedic circles, the Shirodhara treatment is known as one of the most effective means of pacifying excessive Vata. The warmth, weight, and steadiness of the oil pour balance the cool, light, and fluctuating nature of the Vata dosha. While the shirodhara treatment is a beneficial adjunct to a comprehensive Ayurvedic wellness plan, it is an equally powerful stand-alone treatment.

Treatments offered

Radiant Surya Treatment (Shirodhara)

Vital Marma points as a stream of warm, soothing sesame oil infused with over 16 herbs, cascades over your forehead. This is a deeply meditative & transformative experience, allowing your mind to enter into a Theta wave state that increases serotonin and can also elevate alpha and theta brain wave activity. This treatment includes a 30-minute grounding Abhyanga massage. Highly recommended to restore your nervous system. Shirodhara treatment 1 hour $195.00

Sun & Moon Union Treatment (Abhyanga & Shirodhara )

This combination is designed to bring you into a state of complete relaxation & sets in motion harmony within your doshas. This treatment brings elevated energy to any stagnation that may be occurring in the body. This will help increase circulation & fresh oxygen to the bloodstream. Accessing new energy & vitality, while nourishing stillness within the mind. to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, Abyanga massage & Shiro 2 hours $225.00

Rose Womb Healing (Basti)

Our wombs carry our creative potential If you are healing from the separation of a partner, Experiencing extreme pain during mensuration, or just learning to connect with your womb wisdom. This treatment is designed to release any trauma that’s being stored in the body. The womb space (or second chakra) is called “svadisthana” in Sanskrit, meaning “the abode of the self.”  This sacred space is deeply connected to the water element, and water, being the amazing substance that it is, actually changes molecular structure in response to sound, thought, emotion, intention, etc., and holds on to these frequencies. Therefore, the watery womb center is like a storehouse of energy, carrying karma (from our own lives, as well as ancestral memories passed down through the generations – womb to womb), emotional imprints, cords or ties with current or past lovers, traumas, sexual abuse, memories, etc. It is said that if a woman fully heals her womb, it becomes a chalice so clear it can unwind all karma of a gestating soul, birthing a child of pure Love – the true human blueprint. You will gain a deeper sense of peace & cultivate more intuition in accessing the codes of your birthright as a woman. This treatment includes a 30-minute Abhyanga massage.

Treatment 1 hour $210.00

Golden Heart Healing (Basti )

When healing from heartbreak & life challenges it’s been practiced for ages to reconnect to your center. This treatment is designed to connect you within the wellspring of your essence, inner radiance & resiliency. This treatment includes 30 Abhyanga massage. The heart chakra, or anahata chakra in Sanskrit, is located at the center of the spine at the heart level. Anahata roughly translates to, “unhurt.” Accordingly, the heart chakra acts as the individual’s center of compassion, empathy, love, and forgiveness. This chakra governs one’s senses of trust, fearlessness, peace, generosity, gratitude, and connectedness, as well as change and transformation, healthy boundaries, depth in relationships with others, emotional control, and love for oneself.

Treatment 1 hour $210.00

Panchakarma Treatments

 Panchakarma is a treatment program for the body, mind, and consciousness that cleanses and rejuvenates. It is based on Ayurvedic principles, every human is a unique phenomenon manifested through the five basic elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

The combination of these elements are three doshas (tridosha): Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and their balance is unique to each individual. When this doshic balance is disturbed it creates disorder resulting in disease.

Today's lifestyles almost inevitably mean that our bodies are exposed to substances they are not equipped to deal with, or which are even toxic for us. If our organism is overburdened with these kinds of toxic substances, they can begin to accumulate with a detrimental impact on our health and well-being. In addition, it is common for there to be a build-up of metabolic products that have not been adequately broken down; these are also known as "Ama" in Ayurvedic medicine. From an Ayurvedic perspective, these kinds of toxins and residues effectively clog up vital physical channels, thus inhibiting the free flow of energy through the body. The consequence is that our equilibrium is disturbed and illnesses can develop. It is no coincidence that there is frequent mention of "lifestyle diseases"; after all, the connection with our lifestyle is absolutely obvious. So a Panchakarma treatment aims to liberate the body from toxins and residues that have accumulated over time.

Panchakarma is done individually for each person with their specific constitution and specific disorder in mind, thus it requires close observation and supervision. Treatment starts with pre-purification Measures of Snehan and Svedana, and then cleansing methods – Shodanas are applied.

  • Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind.

  • Restore your constitutional balance improving health and wellness.

  • Strengthen your immune system and become more resistant to illness.

  • Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind thereby slowing the aging process.

  • Bring about deep relaxation and a sense of well-being.

    Panchakarma treatments are costumed and tailored to your needs

  • 2-day nourishing reset

  • 3 weeks program weekly body treatments sessions with guided at-home cleanse.

  • 6-day seasonal cleanse

  • 12-day detox

    Email me directly for more info on pricing and to schedule a Panchakarma Program. aradia@ritualmovementarts.com

1-1 Ayurveda Holistic Health

Online Sessions

You can choose from a variety of programs created for your specific health goals.

Intro to Ayurveda Intake

Consultation Package ( 3 Sessions )

3 month Ambrosia Practices Wellness Program


As your Ayurvedic practitioner, it is my goal is to understand your health goals and implement lifestyle practices to achieve them. I am here to support you every step of the way to implement Ayurveda in real-life modern ways so that you can self-heal and get to the root cause of imbalances that you are causing you pain and discomfort. Because Ayurveda actually gets to the root of the imbalance, it is not a quick fix or a bandaid.

You will receive personal guidance and support on this path of integrating new practices and accessing new energy for optimizing the body’s potential for wellness and healing. We will discuss and apply which daily self-care routines, food choices, yoga and pranayama techniques, meditation and movement practices, and herbs will be most supportive to you.

In our session’s we focus on your own unique constitution and how to align with it. We will look at the 3 pillars of health, diet, lifestyle, hormonal balance, menstruation cycles of a women’s life, fertility, sleep patterns, brain nourishment, meditation, energy levels, libido & overall holistic health including spiritual, mental & physical aspects. Our work together is really just a tiny step on your path home toward yourself.

My practice is focused on creating unique programs for women of all ages, educating and guiding you on what aspects individually are needing the most attention to thrive. All programs focus on learning what your basic needs are for optimizing your health. We will focus on healing from imbalances or disease, as well as preventive medicine for vitality.

In Ayurveda we consider the whole human being, believing that people have within them the required energy to bring the body back to a healthy, or balanced, state.

According to Ayurveda diseases are due to a doshic imbalance. So instead of focusing on just a treatment/s or medicine to heal the illness, As your Ayurvedic practitioner, we will focus on the techniques that will strengthen the healthy elements inherent in everybody, which will, in turn, help the individual to recover. This is called svabhavoparamavada, and it refers to the Ayurvedic idea of helping the body call upon its own energy to heal. Treatments and medicines are a vital part of this process, but act only to support the body's self-reparation, rather than cause it.


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning “science of life” (ayur means “life or longevity” and veda means “knowledge, wisdom, or science”).

Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical sciences in the world. It is full of practical natural methods to restore and maintain your health. It may even sound a bit like your grandmother’s words of wisdom, I know it rings true to my heart. Ayurveda is known as a “living science” because it incorporates modern developments and techniques into a body of ancient wisdom. Recognized by integrative medicine, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health and is designed to help people live long, healthy, well-balanced lives. These powerful healing tools focus on creating sustainable daily practices that support the balance of an individual’s constitution—the physical body, mental body, and sense of purpose.

In an Ayurveda, session information is gathered on lifestyle, diet, knowledge of herbs, and behavior, and then recommendations are created for each individual according to their unique body-mind type.

Ayurveda’s approach focuses on the root cause of the health problem and solves it through effective natural procedures. Modern-day society has primarily been focused on addressing disease when the symptoms have already manifested. Allopathic medicine prescribes pharmaceuticals that target the symptom and often have harmful side effects that cause additional health problems. Clients find that an Ayurvedic consultation can also be a perfect support for other medical treatments.

Quick Bio :

Aradia Julia Sunseri is the founder of Ritual Movement Arts & the creator of Red Sage Moon. Since 2008 Her work is continuously devoted to the creation of R.M.A a modern mystery school of ancient practices is devoted to Sacred Dance, Ayurveda, and Women’s Vitality Practices. Aradia focuses on these integrative body therapies, weaving somatic movements such as sacred dance and yoga, with herbalism and meditation. Her teachings are nurturing and holistic practice’s to bring balance into everyday life. As an (AHC) practitioner and women’s health advocate, she also holds degrees in Somatic therapy, yoga Nidra, womb healing, herbalism, body energy medicine.

Aradia also facilitates sacred dance online courses, international retreats, workshops, and courses in essential magick. These transformational teachings empower women to unlock their own birthright of embodiment and deepen with their wild womxn soul connection to this planet and their unique purpose.